Offer attractive xD!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Wedding Invitation Wordings , Cash Gifts
Hello to all! As usual, I'm not writing for so long but ... I'll forgive this news! So ... Do you remember the contest where all the superstars with a drawing of a dress jumpsuit + 1 (do not know the equivalent in Italian) could win 400 Stardollars, 1 month superstar stardoll royalty to the entry and see their creations become real (at least on stardoll)? Well, soon released a new doll with the clothes (at least I think) ... Here is the image
PS: The doll appears to be Lily Cole!
Then, as very little has come out a new room in the party room ... It's called bows and ribbon, as the current theme, and also seems to be similar to another room, but it is not ... In fact, if clik, you'll see this room:
is really nice, and advice to supertstar to the party in time for early, when the word "beta" in the home of the party is over, will be partying (unfortunately) to be paid!
and now here's the latest news but not least: there are rumors that soon will arrive on a New stardoll real brand: Louis Vuitton! Here the image of the new shop in the "for women":
As you see, is all for survivors, but how would the superstar not to buy at prices so high? Unless you have retained many Stardollars far (which I doubt, now that they removed the game and also earn), and you can not buy something for them at these prices ... Because even if you do not vedeono, prices are:
- for simple exchanges (those at the top to the sides) the price is 18 Stardollars;
- the bag top is priced at less than 46 Stardollars (nor was limited edition!)
- pantyhose gray = 12 Stardollars
- some shoes cost more than 20 Stardollars
- clothes no less than 30 Stardollars!
scherezando But we are? Lately, even the superstars do not have many Stardollars (I say this myself, but also many other superstars) and now not take it anymore! I can not spend € 16 a month on stardoll (6 for entry superstar € 5 and 2 times in refills Stardollars) even though I love it! However
(preferably the one hand, worse than another) you will not need the most Stardollars. So do not even know if this collection will be released ... In fact, the leaders in the Louis Vuitton "StarPlaza" are the collection spring summer 2009, a little late end 2009 beginning of 2010 to exit it?
Then, usually the leaders who will come out soon StarPlaza (shops included) have never written the prices of items, and it is strange that occur on this occasion ...
It's not even Chinese stardoll. In fact, in this collection that she never left.
And again, usually in the previews we never see the bar broadcast.
In conclusion, it is very strange to come out a real brand of clothes for another season with a very questionable, no?
However, even if you do not know who invented this business, has had a real attention to detail ...
Hello Hello
Friday, December 18, 2009
A Letter To Church Community
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
How Much Fence To Cover .25 Acres
The fifth edition of the Limited Edition has arrived! Superstar run! Prices range from 35 Stardollars (necklaces) to 275 (the clothes)! But they are really fantastic! ... Even if you made a mistake by the staff ... There is a mannequin with price cuts (so when a suit is sold out) but instead you can still buy! An errror or method to entice you to buy and spend in Stardollars buy them? However, I must admit that they are really nice. And they are detailed and minute in detail ... Then, run to see (and buy) before they end!
Monday, December 14, 2009
List Of Low Protein Cat Food
1) Go to:
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Hydrocortisones And Lysosomal Membranes
If you have facebook go to account settings, go to the bottom of the page, log on, do what you say, still go on stardoll, remake the procedure: find a bar that put nickname and password, then go forward to the end and revenue up 10 stardoll.Ecco the money!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
When Do Vigamox Expire
Hello everyone! As usual I'm not writing for so ... But this is a real news! I got a dollmail (for sure you too) Superstar run! They are beautiful! Hello Hello
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Buzzing Book Gratis
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Why Does Alcohol Hurt My Ears
1) go to
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Samsung Blue Tooth Instruction
Things Black Star Wallpaper:
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Pain In Ear When Drink Alcohol
Hello to all! How long have I do not write ... And I take this opportunity to write a few things ... Com
know, most blog on stardoll organizes competitions to become the "Best MeDoll of the week". Well, so why this blog should not get one? I thought to start with this competition this Sunday ... If you want to participate, you must leave a comment on this post. Every week may participate in more than 10 Scenery (will choose the first 10) they have to do something such as, for example, dress the Scenery with a specific theme (you can also do away StarPlaza for those who did not have enough clothes and sending the ink to the image with a comment on this post), create a scenario ... And much more. Those who are not able to enter that week will come in the next, and so on ... The winner will be announced and "advertised" in a post dedicated entirely to her. So ... Let's play / the best! :)
See you Sunday with the first competitors! ^ - ^
Hello Hello
Friday, November 27, 2009
What To Say To Condescending Coworker
1) Go to:
1 ) writes: in the URL bar of the proxy
3) Enter your account with
4) Write this link in the URL bar of the proxy id = 187
5) Logging on stardoll normally
White Spots On Throat Images
1) Go here:
2) In the space below the word: Write your song lyrics here, write anything (also hello), click 'I agree to the Campaign Following rules' and then click OK
3) Go into your room and you will find the dress in a gift package

Cheesy Wedding Guest Book Comments
Here is a picture of prizes:
Thursday, November 26, 2009
What Does It Mean If The Dog Shits Blood
1) go to
2) write in the URL bar of the proxy
3 ) receipts with your account
4) write: the bar of the proxy
5) Exit the proxy and go to stardoll .... you will find gifts in your suite
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Vans Chukka Low Blue Tie Dye
to StarDesign you have new clothes! Are almost identical to those mood-Wear! But not in our StarDesign ... Certainly this is true of some other country! :-( Here are the images under comparison:
The name of the designer has been hidden from me, but did you see the resemblance?
Now here's the next DOT colors, inspired by styled outfit "MONDRIAN"
And also the new clothes that will be made StarPlaza (hopefully soon!):
Funny Wedding Guest Book Comments Examples
stardoll Upon entering, the homepage gives you an icon StarDesign?? Or (this is easier) an image of the new doll for SS?? Well, it says under the new DOT, but do not see anything in the store! Here is a picture:
Cover Letters For Car Sales Consultant
Apparently, the new brand will be made in StarDesign of clothes designed by us ... here is the proxy to draw one of these dresses!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Hot Flashes After Hysterictomy
From this afternoon DKNY and Miss Sixty all the summer collection are on sale at 50% StarPlaza! You superstar, run out and buy! We must not miss such an occasion! Miss Sixty also because, being the first collection, surely will become rare (like the first season of scuba dress DKNY)! As usual, sorry for the image, but I really frettaaaaaaa ..... :) Hello Hello
Games Of Strategy Solution Avinash Dixit
Monday, November 23, 2009
110/220v 6000 Watt Portable Generator
Cricket Game Hi-res Images
Here's what to do to get a free pants:
1) Go to
2) In this bar Metere / contest / view.php? id = 181
3) Log into your account
4) The bar is at the top, next to'' Location via proxy: "please put this link http://www.stardoll. com / en / contest / finish.php? id = 181
5) Exit from the pages and enter the proxy normally on Stardoll

What Do I Do With The Remote On Wire
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Famous Baseball Players With The #24
Valerio M.
18 years later in his house, I had tried in the afternoon, it was the first time this week. Listening and singing her favorite song "Since the end you drag the nuestra vida, since a moment rrespiro de grandes na na na na hand, hand since the end *. She is in the kitchen to warm the pot and smiles at me, inviting me to join: "Hola amor, el prepare our cocktails in the meantime." Our cocktail, in spite of the pear juice! I take the rum and six cups, fill them and put them in a row on the table. Maria comes with hot dish, "Now we do our Way-el amor coca." The size, lies on the plate and as usual asked me to crush a card. I subscribed to a video store to get a new card and let us put a decent photo of me, what I used before was a bus pass expired two years ago and used it every time that Mary was telling me "that nino amor aqui!" always putting myself in embarrassment.
Yes, she's bigger than me, will be twice my age, but I can not stop thinking. Let's start. There are six "gunshots" and six glasses of rum on the table. A line, a glass, a staff, a glass and thus more. We are made, comes in like a dream, euphoria enables us to embrace and began to kiss Maria, I support the table and raised his black vest, she with her smooth legs and bare me around her waist, squeezing so as to prevent any movement. He says: "First let me service el amor, te puesto Atendimento usual, the rroba is in the bathroom."
I do not say a word, I give you a pat on the thigh as a sign of understanding, she opens her legs and run to the bathroom, get up the tile fifth in the second row, the most hidden, away from the window and radiator.
There is a box of Romeo & Juliet full of envelopes containing cocaine has already been cut by the skilful hand of Mary, about 300 grams x € 10,000 in value. I dreamed a thousand times to marry Mary, help at work and put forth a nice nest egg to live with her in the Caribbean. He often spoke of a sea without algae, cocktails with wine and fruit and festivals which take place in those places, but this cowardly outskirts ungrateful! I leave the bathroom and back into the kitchen, Maria said to me: "Estai atento love" and I put a gun in his hand "It 's office," he adds.
I had never held a gun in his hand, did not even know where to put it, I was afraid that I went away a shot on the balls, so I keep it in the inside pocket of his coat.
The usual service consists in going to the park, sit on one bench and wait for an unenlightened guy who calls me with a sign, follow it, exchanging packages, check content to and from Mary to make love. I do not understand the need of the gun. I arrived on time, the type is usually on time, but today you can not see, should I wait ten minutes then go away, I'm wearing too much stuff and it's getting late. When I hear: "Hey you! Police hands up! "cock! I'm fucked! the guy comes to me with the gun, I put my hand in the pocket of the bomber to take away the gun and throw it away before I see it. As I pull out the gun the cop sees me, "Put her ass on the floor! want to die? you've taken today as a day to die? do not kid jokes, put it down! "My hand starts to tremble so much that inadvertently pressed the trigger "Click!" fortunately was empty, but the cop does not notice ed'istinto shoot me, I see a flame come out of his hand and I feel a great burn under his left eye and a strong hissing sound that echoes in my ears. I do not have the forces, I fall on my knees, and then forward, are on the ground. The warm-blooded
drowning my eyes, toes and hands are becoming ice. In these moments you should spend your whole life ahead, I see only Mary. I wanted to give her another kiss.
I hear the voice of the policeman, "Poor bastard sold you your whore!", And puts a hand in the jacket to look for stuff, but I do not believe it, she loves me I am the his "love". My heart continued to beat another minute more, just for her.
* excuse Gino
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Painful Random Spots Of Dry Skin

- UmbriaLibri 2009 -
Perugia, a former church S. Our Lady of Mercy Sunday, November 15 at 10.30,
Book presentation: "Umbria, geographies misteto" by writer John Pannacci
The volume was added to my noir:
"The Queen of England"
The Queen of England.
If it had been in its Liverpool, Alice Branagan, had no difficulty in finding your favorite brand, shop the Night, of Indian immigrants, he always kept a certain stock.
Where is he now, at this mini market in the center of Perugia, look for a Carling Gold River was an almost impossible. Towered before her eyes, in fact, three brands of Italian beer, the taste too bitter for his taste Anglo-Saxon, several cans of German beer too light for his young English in need of liver alcohol and several bottles of wine, far too care for pockets on an Erasmus student.
rolled a lock of her blonde hair, posing in the mirror controllarseli shoplifting and went to cash only showing a pack of gum gum.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Whats The South Park Fish Stick Joke
was a friend, if it can be defined, very special. The person who might know more conformist.
We met at a party where none of them knew the hosts, and many other contributors. In truth I do not know anyone who had invited me because he had not come. One of those parties
type open house where people of that time brought other people and so on, where they drank, they talked about philosophy, politics and remain silent, plastic, glass in hand, listening to what had gab better. Short stuff from college.
I was in the right hand a spritz that prepared me a girl known that night. At first glance it looked pretty, all excited chatter, big blue eyes rotating in their sockets. Really a nice pair of eyes. But then he smiled a bit 'too much of a taste to my line. In fact the joke was always laughing, the girls sganasciavano when told and then I used always to impress. How did he do? Bho now I remember most, however, was quite a fucking joke to pass out from laughter. The girl said, she is sganasciò well and showed me the mess in her mouth. A stuff! Small teeth and big gums. I also tried to overcome it but could not. You had to see it. A mule. I thought the poor man who would marry her. Think in the morning. "Hello love" just wake up and look at the woman who stands by you. Fortunately, a guy with glasses and combed bad thought it well to ask another so I could levarmela spritz away. One spritz of the rest was pure crap because you, the gengivona, never put more than one finger of prosecco. That stuff. Only one with those teeth would have thought such a thing.
I was at the table to find a bottle of sparkling wine to add two more fingers for the first time when I heard his voice.
- Try my Negroni, a spritz of Miss Annika is good but I think he lacks a little bit of prosecco.
We understood each other right away. He apologized for not introducing himself and putting his hand on my breast Oliver said he was called, but everyone called him Doc also saddled with a nickname I had at university, but I told him. I hated my nickname. Crazy. "Beware the get mad," "Look at the eyes." Leave trails of giggles from girls who kept books in the chest full of junk and university students with well-dressed and clean shaven. I asked him why not call him Doc, of course I thought he had already graduated, was definitely older than me, that indicate, but did not ask why I did not want anyone to join universities in the topic. In fact, for me those years were lousy. That stuff.
When you study literature and philosophy can happen to you two things. Or do you just graduate examinations and grind like a hay mower or anxious and you freak out because that bitch is a philosophy that takes you to freak out, at least to me. But I stayed with him on every time you entered vague topic. "Yes it's ok", "You know you study" "Schopenhauer is a force, but talk about the girls you saw the one with the boobs?". They change the subject, it seemed the right thing to do. One because of my business. Two bho! Short, there must always be an explanation for everything is not it?
Even before arriving there he did not know anyone but after half an hour already gave pats on the back to Rodrigo Marcel and the two tenants of the apartment and exchanged jokes related to those he met. That same evening he told me that if I was okay, we would see the next day at my house, "ok" I said and tracannai the glass in one gulp. Negroni that stuff that was really good.
that time I had a hobby. The two boys who shared the apartment with me, a drunkard who came from the Veneto, a Roman who stank so much, that sucks you had to hear that smell was coming from her room. A stuff. Those two mentally ill, I said, they had installed a satellite TV card with a pirate could see the football matches. We had to see. One with red eyes who drank wine and smadonnava sporcone in Venice and spread her legs with his dirty socks on the cabinet. They watched every game type. Serie A Soccer, Football spring, amateur football, soccer series B, C, D and everything else, even the replicas and transmissions stupid ungrammatical with little hair on his head showing slow-motion replays of game action pallosissime asunder and young women. Every time I opened the book I felt the commentary of a stupid game that annoys me. I was just tired of sit, open the book, read, repeat and then not remember anything of what I had read and repeated in the background because I always felt that those endless commentary with a monotone voice and another that was wrong and the subjunctive laughing hysterically. Closed the books and I went to my two roommates. "Who plays?" I asked.
was a replica of a game of Serie A. Do not ask me the names of the teams, because I do not remember, ah yes perhaps it was Lazio and Florence .. bho! Anyway I went back and listened to both their comments, I enjoyed it a lot. The players had beautiful names, names to read the epic in the history books, names of heroes. When a player who had the ball took a nice name I ask, "Is' a strong player this?" The Venetian said "Uelà " and the Roman in the same way he always well marked and in a loud voice the name, first name, a colon "has played in Lodi, in Como, .... "Ah Ah, he knew everything. Even the goal that the player had accomplished in his career. Unbelievable. That stuff. To die for. Then I could see over the players of both teams were other men in the field. I asked him who they were disgusted and he is the arbiter of San Donà Rombon debut in Serie A on .. ", yet the referee was called a hero. "And the other two with the flag in his hand running like crabs? What are their names? ". At my request squeezed her lips and shook his head. He did not know the names of the linesman. It was great because, with a stupid name like mine, I could do the same linesman. I said I had a hobby, right. No, this stupid I forgot the game ball as the two boys left. In fact, a little 'I miss them even if they smelled the house and vomited.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
How To Tie Double Upper High Tops
Sometimes even a simple sentence, direct, but that the right person has the power to change the mood, even if it is the only memory of that sentence.
Honestly I often wake up already nervous, go to the state bar for a coffee and a pack of Camels and be paying them as a wave that shakes their hands.
It happened again this morning. I had my wallet in hand and was in line at the cash bar. Before me were two men that there were "trying" with the cashier, a fake blonde with the square face and small eyes.
What the hell were those two just do not know.
vigorously threw out air from your mouth and quickly slammed his right foot on the ground. The cashier did not show interest in me.
I raised my hand holding the wallet.
- Can I pay for the coffee? - I said aloud to my third place in the queue. My complaint, however, has not aroused at all the vain girl with hair growth. The girl was a prey to the affectations of the two types of pharmaceutical representatives dressed in blue suits and dark ties and even mobile phone headsets into your ears.
- This'll drop you from his wallet.
A girl, who was also in line behind me, gave me a pat on the shoulder and smiles looking at what I was returning. From my wallet had fallen
the plastic figurine of Goku Super Sayan.
I sheltered from the queue for the cash and I immersed myself in the memories of that figure.
Two years ago, when arbitration is still in series C, the first of the season I asked my nephew Jerry to give me good luck for the season because there was dancing in the Serie A.
The child was put the index at the mouth and eyes pointed to the ceiling.
- Guko, the good hero who fights evil! - I said, invaded by satisfaction.
- I will always carry the notebook - I replied.
And so it was, really. For most of the league took the notebook where I noted the goals and disciplinary measures the board of the plastic figurine of my favorite nephew.
went all too well. Before you take the field kissed the figure, before the interview with the observation that I would put the voting shook Guku Super Sayan in his hands.
aroused little laughter in my fellow referees, but then smiled when I said they welcomed the coming of good luck.
the morning of the last game of that season I was in utter panic anxiety. I had to travel alone to the city of the race. I woke up late and took the bag in a hurry.
I forgot my notebook at home.
The race went badly. That day came in the locker room our leader who had come with the strong intention to choose whether to send in Serie A or not.
decided not to do this. In return, the door opened of its own, my nephew was behind me waiting anxiously.
- Well? - He asked me with the curiosity of his seven years.
- It's too bad - I replied.
She hugged me and told me that Guko was dead but was now in the paradise of the Super Sayan to protect her children.
E 'thanks to my nephew that I have no regrets about that experience.
Thanks to him and the good that I showed, throughout the season I trained, prepared and committed as ever I could do.
I managed to get a tiny leap dall'ambitissima promotion in the professional category, but this continues to not matter.
my league I've already conquered and reconquered every time Jerry hugs me and tells me "I love you uncle."
- I've offered me a coffee - I told the girl that I had returned the plastic figurine.
- With twice then -
- Fugurati! with a little 'kindness to know how many things would get better ...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Small Rose Centerpiece Ideas
lenses as a feather
nestled by the wind dance
your thoughts;
and is busy as a bee
eats the sweet chalice of a flower
so you will drink from the cup
of life, fills the spirit
its profound nature:
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Changing Padlock Combination
Braco was at its greatest moment of unhappiness. He enjoyed only when picked up his friends in the other feelings of anxiety and frustration. So talking to them was always trying to put them in a bad mood, to discourage them, to find in them that "something" that just was not right.
That afternoon he was at the bar of the filling station before the walls of his city. He left the room to eat his ice cream cup for two euro. He noted that Red, a friend of his, was smoking a cigarette in front of gas stations.
jumped at the opportunity that Red had offered and agreed to him.
- Freud would say that yours is a beautiful and good attempt to try to die. - Braco said with his head immersed in the cup. Red
he inhaled slowly a breath while a warm breeze stroked her hair.
did not answer the provocative question of Braco, provocative because he knew that if he was just a joke was with the intention of embarrassing.
Red was the only one who still had not had to deal with his DEEP balls but he understood that it was now his turn. He decided to gamble by cunning.
- Well? Are you depressed? Do you feel alone?, You would never have expected I do not, you're a social animal, you are always in high spirits, always happy, so I think a little 'frivolous, and now you do? Attempted suicide? - Braco had launched the attack. A series of
viper absolute collapse that would make even the most holy of devotees of Padre Pio.
Red did not move an eyelash. At this point Braco was convinced: Red was the most unfortunate of this world!
- What makes you so sad? - Urged Braco.
- Why are you so unhappy? The girl is not it? I always thought that she betrayed you, you're too good for her. Even this evil
startled Red.
CONTINUED 13/09/2009
Red remained motionless with his eyes a few inches above the greasy hair of Braco.
Braco dropped his ice cream cup and went even further in the face of his friend, exasperated by the fact that his questions had not received proper consideration.
The mouth of Red lips are parted quickly and dine a while the sweet taste of Virginia.
- Yes - said Red.
Braco adjusted his glasses on his forehead. He began to vibrate. The head quickly snapped to the side and eyes, fast as balls pinball, friendly faces looking for the necessary comfort.
- Yes?! what? - He asked.
Then without waiting for an answer that would probably be very slow to get added
- Yes, that is, you mean that you're really unhappy?.
few more brief moment of pause, in which Braco began to scratch their considerable love handles, a curl couple of times the nose and make sounds similar to imprecations like, "Yeah, I'm fool I was to say yes, but who is believed to be his mortacci!"
- Yes, I do not feel happy. - Zac! Red had devised a trap that was captured perfectly and this sentence made goggle Braco to disbelief that ran the palm of his hand on his beard on the front and back.
- But you have a moment of serenity in life ... can not be so, that is always so down in the dumps - Braco hours trying to dissipate it.
- Felice, Braco, Happy! We are talking about happiness, no serenity, the serenity is another thing, nobody can be always happy, I'll tell you even more I do not think there is a very happy person.
A baseball bat in front of him would do less harm. Braco cold sweat thinking about what he had served all those books on psychoanalysis, all of those courses of conduct, all the hours spent on the journals of philosophy, if one considered as intelligent as a lizard, who only think of fun on Saturday night and pick up the girls froze him with a sentence like this?
No! had to react.
CONTINUE (again on this post) 16/09/2009
- I believe that your behavior is only due to the immaturity, the fact that you do not think enough about aspects of life ... -
- bullshit Braco, bullshit - Red broke in and set a firm voice.
- Here I found! Nihilism! You must have read in some gossip rivistine now it is fashionable nihilism, then you checked the dictionary the meaning and then I'll explain to you the fact that at least one graduate took it .- Braco became convinced of the good response that had given to the point where a smile and an expression of safety sprouted on his face.
- If you do not agree with that because I do not think that proves otherwise? - Red replied after a couple of circles with the smoke that came out of the mouth.
- What, what? Show you that?, How should I do, I do not need to prove anything, it is impossible for the world there is at least one person happy, my dear salsa dancer loser.
Braco said.
- So if you're convinced scommettiamoci up. - Now that the Red Eye for the duration of the conversation had been lulled by the branches of pine trees blowing in the wind had laid out cold on the face of his antagonist.
- What should I do? We feel, think I'm afraid of someone who does not know the difference between subjunctive and conditional? - The Braco caused.
- If through this too, before .. - Red replied, chuckling.
- this! This I do not accept gosh!, Okay do your stupid bet, give me three days and bring you home a happy person. -
- Ok, Braco, today I feel good that we'll give you a week, by next Saturday if you can find a really happy person and take them home .-
you win - I'm Ok! - Braco said, thinking that his friend was just a poor jerk.
- What's playing? - Braco said with an expression to be sure winner.
- Let's make the loser for a month will not be around if you do not see a shirt that says "I'm too stupid," I'll take the shirt, you start running, you'll not be easy. - The Red said.
- You do not worry about me, I'll tell you even more tomorrow I will start slowly, so I'm sure to win now the bet - Braco said.
The two greeted each other, Red Braco looked at as he prepared to go back inside the bar and stopped at the entrance where there was a group of girls asked one of them an ear thing, the girl took the bag struck him with a release of nerve and told him to "go to hell."
The next morning we woke early Braco. The evening before falling asleep, she thought that someone you know might be for her. But each of those to whom he thought had some problems that prevented some of the full happiness. It was therefore decided to proceed immediately on the field. He left the house, crossed the walls of the medieval old town, went up to the old nineteenth-century streets between the buildings and he came to the church of the Cathedral. He thought
to avoid those that came out of church after Mass, as he thought that all Christians soffrisero a stupid sense of collective guilt, they felt a kind of caste of the mentally retarded, then difficilmete, according to him, he found people happy .
He turned his gaze and saw the public gardens, where they came cries of children struggling with the games that the council had installed a few months.
was seized with a sudden inspiration. "Why did not I think now? Children actually have to be happy, have no problem, just play, do not understand anything, too easy, eh, eh, Red I've already screwed! "he said to himself as they passed the entrance gates of the gardens.
CONTINUE (more on this post) 09/21/2009
Braco approached the children who were the swings, the more I saw smile as he felt the approaching victory of the bet with Red.
He took out his camera and capture those facets of thought full of joy to have more evidence to show his friend, then turned to the little festive.
- Hello children, I can ask you a question? - Churches to children. Children will not rest at once, then had to lift a little 'voice?
- Children, I repeat, please listen to me? answer the so my questions to do a good deed?
Braco's calm was waning, his voice had taken on the tone of a desperate looking for help and that children did not like, so not the answer. Now Braco was visibly nervous and throw the camera in a pouch walked rapidly towards the swing. With one hand he took the metal chain and stopped the swing in the race. The child who was sitting on it fell into ruin on, fortunately not hit his head because he took refuge with his hands but he hurt the knee that blood dripping like tears from his eyes.
- Damn it, you teach your parents, when an adult speaks you listen to him!
thundered Braco swaying nervously chain of the swing. The children began to cry together. Braco tried to reason with her but had slumped to the ground when he felt a strong blow that caught him behind the head. He pulled up and saw an old man waving a wooden stick in the air with menacing expression told him to leave immediately.
- Get nasty perverted madman, if you do see here again for you will be trouble.
Braco got up from the floor and head down headed for the exit when he heard a voice called to him.
- Lord forgive what we wanted to ask? - He was a child who had left the party and with his angelic little face turned to the poor Braco.
- Boys, thanks - the big face of Braco brightened a spontaneous smile, happy to have found at least one child willing to listen. In his mind he thought "Here, I'm sure there it is, this little boy, though a little 'ugly, Braco is the future, here it is a real thinker, a noble soul"
- So sir what we wanted to ask? - The repeated the child while rocking with the torso and hands behind his back. Braco knelt and put his face stroking the baby's head and asked him
- I wanted to know which of you is happy, only that, you're happy baby? But little had
in mind other than to answer the question of Braco, in fact behind hands holding a stick impaled a dog poop and splashed on the face of Braco and then greet him with a fart and run back to his friends who had enjoyed the scene and now all together they were laughing.
Continue (more on this post) 09/22/2009
Braco, angry, stood up. With a quick pace and walked looking down, kicking the pebbles of stradellino, exit, railing and offending the old and the children present. After cleaning the face and glasses to the fontanel turned again to the little ones.
- Your parents hate you! Soon everyone will be given up for adoption!
Then with a smile finally found came from the garden. He heaved a sigh of relief as you look at the clock and sees that it is still early when he took a deep breath and headed toward the center of the square. He was convinced of the difficulty of the bet but at the same time looking forward to Red-faced fool with an open mouth that gave him reason and proclaimed him the winner.
As he walked he thought aloud. Braco observed. Studying people. The imagined in their lives every day. His attention was caught by a waiter who served cappuccino at tables in the bar of the Centre. "Is actually a nice guy, and this helps, smiles, works quietly, but it's still a waiter probably will not have finished his studies and had to find a job will be to pull a living, or maybe it's the son of the owner of the bar, then things might be different. "
- Do you hear, this place is yours?
He asked the waiter as he gave the rest of German tourists who filled him with compliments.
- How to say sir? The
replied the waiter.
"It's not even very smart, maybe I'm losing time," he thought Braco.
- I said if this is your cabin or you're just an employee.
- this bar, and Mr. Carosi.
- It just do this work?
- And how many other jobs do you think I should do?, And then what are you interested?
Replied the young man rubbing the backs of the hands red vest.
- Nothing, nothing, it was only to ask.
Braco said with disdain and an expression that clearly wanted to say "Failed."
The waiter went to the back room and returned with a carton of fruit juice.
Braco was convinced to look beyond. It was almost happy, in fact was happy every time someone showed, in his opinion, could not be happier.
In fact if he had really found a happy person in the same place where he lived, that led to more or less the same as its existence, he would feel bad.
He decided to look ahead, do not bother with the "scum" that's crawling around miserably, with the poor souls who led lives that "call" to live and not "survive" would be a gross mistake.
Men and women with poor salaries pulled forward to sperandio with rent to pay and children to support.
had to aim higher.
The occasion gave it to him who read the paper that Sunday morning in the bar where he went to interview the young man.
"Next Saturday Sandro Trapettoni meet with young people in the streets" Braco read the words that stood on the second page of the local newspaper.
It was as if struck by lightning. If he had a light bulb in hand, this, it would surely be turned on.
He had five days to get everything ready.
Continue (more on this post 09/28/2009)
to eleven at night.
A man walking through an alley in the city center. The man looks up. In the row of concrete and glass walls and windows made from a single light on. From that comes a music box.
- Turn down the radio junkie!
the man does not like the music and continues to his feet. Inside that apartment's Red
you are combing, while Balzella on his bed to the beat of pop hits of the moment.
E 'rev up our friend. Ready to smile every time the expression gives the mirror satisfies him.
Bell sound.
Red jumps off the bed. He thinks it's his old neighbor who this weekend is not going to see her daughter and grandchildren in the house and then can not sleep, annoyed by the excessive volume of his stereo. Pots with a lid covering the lines of Columbian and puffing and cursing the old pain in the ass to open it.
- Hello Red! Let me in I've done it!
to find her daughter and grandchildren nearby was apparently gone, as is apparent from the large face weary chain of Braco.
- And what the fuck are you doing here so early? - Asked Red.
- Let me in, do not take it anymore - Braco begged him. Red
Just off the chain from the door Braco enters dragging a surprise.
- What the fuck is this? - Red pales in comparison to the strangeness that his friend had brought with him.
- It 's Persian my grandmother's, ah, maybe you've never been to my grandmother's house and then you do not you remember ... Ah! Ah! feel that music nerd, I knew it was a two-bit clubbers .. - Responds Braco.
- I see that it is a carpet. I want to know why it moves and what the fuck is there in my house -
- You know what day is it? , To be sure that you know - asks Braco.
- Saturday, ugly ass and people on Saturday, out with friends, going to eat pizza, go to the disco, does not appear in the other house with carpets rolled up and speak well ...? From start to
rug out small moans.
- Braco that .. Who's in it? - Ask Red.
- There is the victory of our bet. - The Braco responds by lifting the chin.
- There is a person? There? - Asks him Red.
The carpet begins to move stronger and listened well you can hear a voice say, "yes, yes, help me."
Braco hits him with a football in the middle.
- Get this mask now I see. - Braco presents a form of "Spiderman" Red, while the system the face from "The Thing of the Fantastic Four."
CONTINUE (10/01/2009)
Red is reluctant to put his mask in his face, but then when he sees that Braco kneels down and begins to break the string attached that holds the carpet, wearing it almost instinctively.
- Here it is! - Braco says turning his head hooded friend.
- But I do this, I think .. I know .. no! No can be! You're crazy! .. You're crazy! Put it back in and take it immediately outside my house! - Red Scream, with one hand while tightening and pulling the shoulder of his friend.
- Molly coward! A deal is a deal! Of course I know, this week was on every billboard in the city. My dear, I am pleased to introduce Sandy Trapettoni! The happiest man in the world!
- You made the bet .. crazy ugly, that was just a game, a way to get away from the ball at least a week, Holy Christ, to have known you would have asked the woman to bring home more than a nymphomaniac in the world.
- play or not play the gamble almost paid off. I will wait every morning outside the house to see if I wore the shirt with the words of an idiot ha ha! I can not wait. Sandrino Next, tell him that you're happy!
Braco is in full ecstasy, but still the bet is won. Trapettoni has yet to confirm that on which Braco Red and had bet that he believed it impossible, or that the world there is a very happy person.
- What are you saying? gosh, who are you?! Release me immediately or worsen the situation. - Responds
Trapettoni the request of Braco.
- You say if you are happy? - Insists Braco.
- Wait Braco, if you put it so then the question flaw to me, you're too nervous and agitated, and you're scaring me.
- Mr. Trapettoni Listen, me and my friend have made a bet. We gambled that the world does not exist a person truly happy. She now meets us and we will let go, untie her, put a mask and took her to the center, please believe me I do not want hurt her and even my friend, but sees he's done so, when you put something in his head ..
- I face this question and let me go - Respond Trapettoni.
- Are you happy? - The Red asks succinctly.
- How can you not be ... how can you not be happy with all those women, all that money, mansions, if he is not happy ... - mumbles Braco.
- Hey do not affect response or cancel the bet. - The Red underwear.
- Happy? Mha ... I would say .... - Trapettoni begins to respond
-Braco begins to pop up on his toes ready to take up arms in victory.
- Happy ... I have seventy-two, I sex with girls of twenty, I have a private plane, the people she loves me, .. happy ... but do not say shit to hell! How do you think only I can be happy! Look: I wear heels, put on makeup every day as a woman, I am the only man in this world, I can not trust anyone .. but how do you think could be? Yes I think so, I think that in this world there is a very happy person .-
Braco did not finish the sentence. Grabbed him by the hair and struck a blow to the heel on the sternum.
- And you have also the hairpiece, damn nano - The fake device remains in the hands of Braco after kick to the chest.
CONTINUE (again on this post)
Trapettoni is rolling on the floor with his hands pressed on his chest. Braco angry because he realizes that he wants to rebuild the man lost the bet way to store all his hopes, or rather its securities go up in smoke.
came up with the intent to hit him again.
- I'm killing you ugly disgusting .- Red
able to stop his friend breathing like a bull in the arena.
- What pops into your head? Forget it! Cancel the bet! Cancel the bet!
- Red's happening?.
From the bathroom comes a woman wearing a kimono and with her hair wet.
At the sight of three figures, the two masked man rolling on the floor, she gets screaming.
- SSSS treasure me! .- Red tries to calm the blonde who screams like a chick in one hand. To make Red
calm then takes off the mask and the girl gets breath.
- Why did you put this thing on the face and who are they? And because that man is evil? Red
asks the blonde hair wet and soft forms.
- We also lacked a whore! - He pants Braco.
Trapettoni at the sight of the girl you feel better. Find the strength to even stand up.
- Good evening miss, I would like to introduce myself Sandro Trapettoni-
- But it is her .. I can not believe what's he doing here? And 'friend of Red?
- No Miss I was brought here against my will quell'energumeno from his face masked.
- It 's an idiot. How can he not be happy if he is not happy in this world who can be ... who?! - Answers the desperate madman with the face of "The Thing".
- But you're Braco, I recognize you! Take off that stupid mask that scare me. The Blonde
recognizes the voice of the friend of her boyfriend.
- No! You may recognize me and then sue, I will not go to jail to jail ... the nobles of mind as I make them dry within the first week if all goes well, if it goes wrong they are to become as stupid as Red .. I'll kill him, kill him.
- You do not kill anyone - The Red says.
- Now we ask Trapettoni excuse to forgive us and I think, is not it? - Mr. Sandro look appealing.
- Well to hell, you do not say that word whose only fault is to be his friend, but the guy should be locked up there and they should throw away the key. - Responds Trapettoni
- Please she is so good, always so kind, you could do something to fix? The petition
the blonde girl.
Two hours later the two friends are sitting on the couch. Red disconsolately is smoking a cigarette after another, Braco is with staring eyes and ears.
- Cursed deficient, but because you are still friends, look what I've done do - the Red says.
- do not take it on, you wanted to spend the rest of your life in a cage? - Braco's answer.
-Ahh, ahhh, still feel ... ancoraaa-cries from the bedroom.
- If you had not done this shit would not be here now I think of Michael Trapettoni that mounts to two hours in my room.
Braco does not respond is too concentrated by moans produced by the two lovers.
- Oh yes as I enjoy! -
- Mmm "enjoy," says the feeling? - Braco friend request.
- You're a bastard, do not come back tomorrow, I've broken the balls .. - Red talks without responding to his constant questions.
- Like You are wonderful, yes! -
- It 's great - repeats
Braco - You fucking son of a bitch but why do not you see a specialist instead of ...
- Yes so, so, you make me happy! Yes - even the cries of the girl to fill the apartment.
- Ah, ah yes! - Braco cries jumping up.
- What the fuck do you have to smile at ugly idiot? - The Red asks.
- Did you hear, you've heard of it! - He says Braco.
- Hear what? But what the hell go jabbering? - Red Responds.
- he said it, he said, is she! she is!, did you feel it too, she said she is happy and I. .. I won the bet!
Red collapses on his face in his hands while his friend in the head with the mask from "The Thing of Fantastic Four" cheers to the generous embrace of two lovers from the next room.
DISCLAIMER: "Any reference to events or real people and 'PURELY RANDOM"
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Program Tv With Starchoice Remote
' s time to start over. I sit in my place while the new dealer starts the first round. The bald man is visibly upset. The maniac probably not even noticed the change, so he stuck his head in his arms in despair of having lost all that money. The other players with his eyes looking for me. Make me a nod, as if they understood what I did. What I am concerned.
If they too were aware that they were not spoken before? The old
I sat down near his head before bringing it to mine.
- Do you think the penguin is at our table?
I shrugged my shoulders in response.
- I think not! - Continued - Angelo is the only one who wins and I know it is not him, the other for the time they did play too stupid to be professionals.
- You could be old, basically I do not know you - I tell him.
- Maybe be so good as to merit a nickname to the table - while he raised his head and goes to her place to read the cards.
I was not there for the glory, I was not there just for the money, I was there for revenge.
I went in search of professional poker. In sottobar, in casinos, apartments in "safe". I used to invite people they know from the tables, where I had lost on purpose to impute to me the image of the chicken and then another evening, the real one, I played as I can and taken away at least ten times the amount invested.
Within an hour I removed all the chips to the bald. Let stand the other, I said just forget it and dedicate themselves to the cash game tournaments where you pay a modest buy-in to avoid the risk of being very early in his underwear.
I offered to drink the old man that this time I had questions, but looked at me in agreement.
edge of the bar, the bald even tried to threaten me with a crowbar, maybe that's why others were afraid of him.
was enough to calm him a quick look at my girlfriend under his jacket.
People are the cards in their hand. I managed to convince everyone that I was playing with the highest point of them. My blood alligator. This is a gift that gave me life from day to day.
Of that particular day I remember the sound of the radio-controlled toys. I was sitting on the floor. I was five. A red corduroy overalls, barefoot in front of the terrace. The SuperFox Nikko went in and out of the window by jumping on the edge of the tiles.
My mother came up behind me, holding his hands over his eyes and approached me said
- you Remember that movie we saw a few days ago, the animals of the ice? - I remember the warm voice and at times sobbing.
- you remember that my mother had to leave the puppy for a long time and left the baby with dad? -
Mossi head up and down, close his hands still between now began to tremble.
- See my baby, even your mother now has to leave for so long, but you'll come back as do the mothers of those pups, I'll be my baby, my baby come back .-
I remember the hot tears on my hair blacks.
remember that freed her head and turned toward her.
"Mama do not cry" I would have liked to say.
At that moment I took the first mental picture of my life.
I turned to see her not crying, it was remote-controlled machine hood and the wheels continued to spin in a vacuum.
The last words I heard from my mother were:
- hello baby, hello my penguin.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Why Do Men Get Women Get Kidney Stones
The first few laps I'm good. I want to see who are my opponents and the idea that if I made them is not wrong. The man to my right, every time he looks at the dealer places the chips on the table. It looks like a man possessed in a crisis of tremor. One of those who in slang is called "maniac". Play every hand, did not give it a shot and even when it is certain that he had lost his last bit of money. After less than an hour at the bar of the chips will be gone at least three times. Leading the game is the bald man who stands before me. Has a significant nest egg in front of him, scattered Stutt for cloth. I can not stand. The chips should always be arranged to show the opponents how much you can play. That was not a fair player, I understood immediately. I was already up when the flea on the nose three times in a row had closed two colors and a scale with the last two cards against the poor maniac, but now I know for sure. On the last lap I heard the snap of the dealer. The bald has noticed that this time the noise was louder than usual. When your fingers get tired, it sometimes form small cramps in my hands and while the bastard gave the cards I felt the finger and thumb clash. This happens when the dealer tries to pass the paper, specially made at the bottom, above. Taken for granted that the dealer peeled and agreed decided not to enter into any hands until the break.
the break I get up, follow the Dealer that goes to the counter. The bald, not to attract attention, remains at the table to count the chips.
I sit at the counter next to the dealer:
- that want to offer me a drink to try to bribe me? - He laughs when I sit and look at him in the face.
explodes in a childish expression, pretend to talk to an old friend, nodding and smiling at the time say:
- you now go to the Floorman and tell him you have to go home because it hurts my stomach.
- What? The belly, but are you crazy? - I totally responds by changing expression.
- Relax and will only get worse, I saw the trick you did with your friend until now head of the egg, but now I'm tired, you've cleaned the chicken and I want to play.
- I do not know what I say ..
raise my jacket and show him my friend Bobcat stuck in the waistband of his pants.
- Smile! - Cone while a tap on his shoulder pretend to joke and have fun.
The coat of hair type is impregnated with sweat showing his stubborn almost completely white.
- good see you're already starting to feel bad?
was white as a bridal veil and dripping sweat trickles from his forehead and neck.
He stood like a zombie and went to the restaurant manager. The Floorman precisely.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Lia Sophia Invitations Template
are the 23. It 's time to take a seat at the table. Within the hall. I head to the bank to change money with the chips. There's a girl, chewing gum with its mouth open, his hair flat and stuck to his face. Will not even twenty years. I say "two thousand" and I ask you to indicate the table. With the tongue coated gum table pointing to the right, then smiles and winks at me.
front of me I peeled with a Hawaiian shirt and leather jacket, My left arm has two shades of tan the right to be a truck driver. To the left of the dealer is a guy who listens to the iPod and moves his head frantically. To my right is a man who tries to keep the tremor in the legs, is very thin and pale, dressed in a gray suit and a wide floral tie. To my left the old bastard first. To fill the table with two other speakers, appear two tourists who got lost. These These players are students, workers and retirees.
In the end, only "little people" in search of excitement.
Not even the yawn of a professional.
For each of them take a picture, while the immortamo are quiet, except for the guy to my right, only to see them in situations where the stress is difficult to handle and if you do not have the blood of a reptile, you hardly can take over.
I am thirty years. Game since I was sixteen. Game because my mother is gone with a professional poker, leaving me alone with my father, a poor clerk in a paint company, but when it is found only lowered his head and did everything to prevent me miss anything. I never missed anything in fact, apart from my revenge on the asshole who took my mother.
I dreamed of crossing the table, maybe that's sitting at her side to cheer for him and then leaves him because I will take everything.
This may be just a dream though. I do my mother I remember just now whether the crossing can not even recognize it. But v'immaginate know how much can be bad to have a mother and unable to even recognize?
Sometimes I was afraid that addrittura walking down the street a woman approaching me to say "hello darling, do not you recognize me?" I am the mother .. " is terrible.
Monday, August 3, 2009
How To Care For Satin Black Paint
Those who have nothing to lose by filling the body with tattoos. So, as if to say "much worse than this can not go" or "Hit me well, you can not worsen my situation." Tattoos, scars, piercings. I'ma little signs that mark the suffering, or rather, wanting to show off. In some
of these places there is not no need for artifice.
For example, this old man for ten minutes I spins in front of the face with his head. Has not said a word but smiles as she looks at me with one eye open, the left, very red and the other half closed but with a little gap where you can see, every time the old man pointing his nose to dry light, an infinite white, a white egg.
opens his mouth and the show does not improve. While chewing licked his teeth among the last remaining buildings as a few half-ruined but still standing after a bombing. The
take a picture, not with the camera, but in my head. I've always had this craze. I like to collect pictures, places, people, even part of the body. The snap a photo and put it in the brain, like a cabinet, such as a desk. When the "regard" have become like the photos you make the images on television, a bit 'like the works of young Roman artist who died of a heart attack, a dozen years earlier. Die of a heart attack, should not be much.
I was comfortably seated at the counter of a bar on Via Settevalli.
looked at the sign "poker room" above the door in front of the pool.
It 's a mixture of saliva, mashed peanuts and beer foam that wells up from the mouth when this damn old, you decide to talk to me.
- I need courage to enter that room.
not answer your question, pull down a sip of my beer and ran her hand over her mouth.
- tonight and tell you that the Penguins will be playing. - Continued the old man.
- It's a good player? - I ask breaking the ice, however, seemed not the type of interest.
- Here you have never seen, I do not know anybody, but he called today, asked about the game and has reserved a place for cash.
observe people entering the room. There are many young people. They dress like the pros they see on TV on Friday evening. But they are inexperienced, fearful. When they see two women and the blood begins to boil. And just down an ace on the table, they begin to sweat and curse and hope only that you shall raise at least half of the pot to make them run away.