are the 23. It 's time to take a seat at the table. Within the hall. I head to the bank to change money with the chips. There's a girl, chewing gum with its mouth open, his hair flat and stuck to his face. Will not even twenty years. I say "two thousand" and I ask you to indicate the table. With the tongue coated gum table pointing to the right, then smiles and winks at me.
front of me I peeled with a Hawaiian shirt and leather jacket, My left arm has two shades of tan the right to be a truck driver. To the left of the dealer is a guy who listens to the iPod and moves his head frantically. To my right is a man who tries to keep the tremor in the legs, is very thin and pale, dressed in a gray suit and a wide floral tie. To my left the old bastard first. To fill the table with two other speakers, appear two tourists who got lost. These These players are students, workers and retirees.
In the end, only "little people" in search of excitement.
Not even the yawn of a professional.
For each of them take a picture, while the immortamo are quiet, except for the guy to my right, only to see them in situations where the stress is difficult to handle and if you do not have the blood of a reptile, you hardly can take over.
I am thirty years. Game since I was sixteen. Game because my mother is gone with a professional poker, leaving me alone with my father, a poor clerk in a paint company, but when it is found only lowered his head and did everything to prevent me miss anything. I never missed anything in fact, apart from my revenge on the asshole who took my mother.
I dreamed of crossing the table, maybe that's sitting at her side to cheer for him and then leaves him because I will take everything.
This may be just a dream though. I do my mother I remember just now whether the crossing can not even recognize it. But v'immaginate know how much can be bad to have a mother and unable to even recognize?
Sometimes I was afraid that addrittura walking down the street a woman approaching me to say "hello darling, do not you recognize me?" I am the mother .. " is terrible.
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